
WooCommerce role based pricing

The major reason you do what you do is the customer. You sell goods and services to satisfy customer needs, and of course, you run discounts, adverts, and promotions to keep them coming and keep them loyal. It is, therefore, no surprise that our Conditional Discounts for WooCommerce plugin has several features that make the customer the focus of the discounts you can run in your WooCommerce store.

Customer email domain discounts

Offer any type of discount to any customer who registers using an email address based on a specific domain name.

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Customer roles based discounts

Our Conditional Discounts for WooCommerce plugin automatically detects all the existing customer roles (even custom ones) from your store and helps you assign any kind of discount to customers according to their roles.

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Users groups based discounts

Our Conditional Discounts for WooCommerce plugin can dynamically extract all the existing user groups from your installation and allow you to assign any kind discount to any of them.

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Customers billing / shipping country deals

Create a discount targeting your clients based on the billing or shipping country used during your customer's checkout in order to boost your sales or increase your market share in these specific countries.

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Discount based on the shipping/billing state

Create discount targeting your customers based on the billing or shipping state used during checkout in order to increase your revenues in those specific states.

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Discounts for newsletters subscribers

Offer a discount in exchange for your customer's email address to quickly increase your subscribers database and create a direct channel to market new products and deals to them.

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Discounts for your mailchimp subscribers

Offer a discount in exchange for your customer's email address to swiftly increase your Mailchimp subscribers’ database and create a direct channel to market new products and deals to them.

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Discounts for your sendinblue subscribers

Propose a discount in exchange for your clients email address to quickly increase your SendinBlue subscribers database and generate a direct channel to market new products and deals to them.

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