
Les 6 meilleures extensions WooCommerce prix dégressif : Lequel est le meilleur absolu?

Adeyoola Ayoola
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Les prix dégressifs sont une stratégie de vente permettant d’offrir un prix plus bas au client au fur et à mesure qu’il achète plus. C’est l’un des moyens les plus efficaces pour augmenter les ventes vu qu’il encourage les clients à acheter en gros.  Il existe de nombreuses extensions woocommerce permettant d’appliquer des tarifs dégressifs […]

7 Best WooCommerce Discount Code/Coupon Plugins (2022)

Adeyoola Ayoola
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INTRODUCTION Flabbergasted! That is how the increase in sales leaves store owners when they offer discounts. There are different ways of offering discounts; BOGO, Role-based discounts, Quantity based discounts, wholesales pricing, coupon codes, etc. Coupon codes have shown, over the years to be an effective and efficient way of drawing attention, increasing sales, and retaining […]

The Top 10 WooCommerce Wholesale Pricing plugins (2022)

Adeyoola Ayoola
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Introduction: WooCommerce Wholesale Pricing Commercial businesses always revolve around the concept of buying and selling goods and services with two key major key players in it, the first is the seller “the person giving out a particular product or service at a given fixed price” and the second is the customer  “the person buying the […]