
How to set up my Conditional Discounts for WooCommerce plugin

Grace Ouendo
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Overview Discounts are a powerful marketing weapon, which allows you to drive customer loyalty and revenue. Conditional Discounts for WooCommerce is a powerful extension, which lets you manage shop discounts like a pro. More than a simple discount plugin, it is a highly performant marketing tool that helps you increase your visibility and then, your […]

How to Set up Bulk Discount by Steps

Grace Ouendo
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What is a Steps based Bulk Discount? A steps based bulk discount lets you allot discounts to customers who purchase products in quantities in multiples of one particular value or more. You can specify one value or more, in your conditions for your discount. There are two ways to put this in place using our […]

How to Set up Bulk Discounts by Intervals

Grace Ouendo
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What is Bulk Discounts by Intervals? Bulk Discounts by Intervals is a type of bulk discount that lets you give bulk discounts to your customers, based on your defined minimum and maximum values, over one or more steps. If the quantity ordered is between a minimum or a maximum value, then the discount specified will […]

Tiered Pricing

How to set up Tiered Pricing in a WooCommerce Store

Grace Ouendo
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What is Tiered Pricing? Tiered pricing entails accumulating the discount value you have set for a WooCommerce product across defined intervals or steps. It is usually applied in situations where you want to give a bulk discount on a single product. Please note that the bulk pricing table will not be active if the Tiered […]

Volume discount in woocommerce feature image

How to set up Volume Discounts in WooCommerce

Grace Ouendo
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It is a proven fact that most human beings love freebies regardless of product or service type. We love to get more value than we pay for. As an eCommerce store owner, using this fact to your gain is very beneficial, because you get more sales and more goods and services exchanged for money. As […]

pricing deals

8 ways to turn your customers into loyal clients with pricing deals

Grace Ouendo
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We’ve all heard the stats at some point. We know that it costs less to retain existing customers than it does to acquire new customers. The cash outlay required to build a sales channel includes personnel, infrastructure such as I.T. equipment and office space rental, in addition to marketing, advertising and promotional spend. Furthermore, you […]


How to drive 70% more Ecommerce sales using seasonal discounts

Grace Ouendo
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Discounts are one of the marketing strategies used by businesses to make sales and generate conversions. You can’t just wake-up one morning and decide to create discounts on one of your products just to get rid if it. You have a 90% rate of hurting your business and your profit margins. Discounts used strategically can […]

WAD product category

How To Create a WooCommerce Bulk Discount per Category?

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Woocommerce bulk discounts are one of the most popular deals mainly used to increase the average order size on online stores. Despite WooCommerce being one of the most popular shopping cart systems in the world, one of their limitations is their dynamic discount system. Luckily many free plugins such as Conditional Discounts for WooCommerce fill […]