Discounts Introduction

How to Create your First Discount

Grace Ouendo
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The Conditional Discounts for WooCommerce plugin allows you to create discounts with all sorts of rules and conditions. In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a simple discount, but first, let us break down the different segments that make up a usual discount inside the Conditional Discounts for WooCommerce plugin. The Anatomy […]

How to Set up Bulk Discount by Steps

Grace Ouendo
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What is a Steps based Bulk Discount? A steps based bulk discount lets you allot discounts to customers who purchase products in quantities in multiples of one particular value or more. You can specify one value or more, in your conditions for your discount. There are two ways to put this in place using our […]

WooCommerce Discounts for Members

WooCommerce Discounts for Members

Grace Ouendo
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Preamble What exactly is WooCommerce discounts for members? If you have run your business for some time, chances are that you have actually implemented one form of discounts for your members or the other. Every entrepreneur knows that offering exclusive deals and advantages to select customers for an extra fee, is a good move economically. […]

How to setup a dynamic woocommerce discount on shipping fees

Grace Ouendo
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In the same way that you can offer discounts on products price or on the cart subtotal, you can also offer woocommerce discount on shipping fees using the Woocommerce Dynamic Discount plugin. WooCommerce offers many possibilities to define shipping fees. In general we have three shipping methods which are Flat rate , Local pickup, and […]

How to create a woocommerce discount per user?

Grace Ouendo
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There are different types of discounts existing today, and you can target any type of customer and give them a discount based on their purchasing behaviour on your woocommerce shop. This is a smart way to reward loyal customers and to give them a discount tailored to their shopping habit. You can target any of […]