WooCommerce dynamic pricing

WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing: 29 Discount Setups (In Pictures)

Grace Ouendo
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WooCommerce Dynamic pricing, sometimes called flexible pricing, refers to a pricing approach in which prices are frequently updated in response to changing market conditions. WooCommerce dynamic discounts are used as part of a pricing strategy to boost sales, attract new customers and build a loyal customer base. This type of price strategy is dependent upon [...]

How to Setup WooCommerce Affiliate Links Discount

Grace Ouendo
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Our Conditional Discounts for WooCommerce plugin has the ability to give discounts based on affiliation links. Let’s see how to set up a WooCommerce affiliate links discount. Generally, to set up a discount, we need two essential things which are: the product conditional rule to make the discount valid. Before creating the WooCommerce affiliate links […]

How to setup a dynamic woocommerce discount on shipping fees

Grace Ouendo
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In the same way that you can offer discounts on products price or on the cart subtotal, you can also offer woocommerce discount on shipping fees using the Woocommerce Dynamic Discount plugin. WooCommerce offers many possibilities to define shipping fees. In general we have three shipping methods which are Flat rate , Local pickup, and […]

How to create a woocommerce quantity discounts

Grace Ouendo
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Woocommerce quantity discounts based on quantity is a selling strategy that works for product sellers that want to move unsold products faster. There are indeed many ways to move unsold stock or to motivate people to buy more from your shop. Unfortunately many people don’t know how to use these techniques to their advantage. That […]

How to create a woocommerce discount per user?

Grace Ouendo
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There are different types of discounts existing today, and you can target any type of customer and give them a discount based on their purchasing behaviour on your woocommerce shop. This is a smart way to reward loyal customers and to give them a discount tailored to their shopping habit. You can target any of […]

woocommerce quantity based pricing

How to create a woocommerce based quantity pricing?

Grace Ouendo
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Woocommerce quantity based pricing is one of the most popular deals mainly used to increase the average order size on online stores. Despite WooCommerce being one of the most popular shopping cart systems in the world, one of their limitations is their dynamic discount system. One of the free and reliable plugins called Conditional Discounts […]

woocommerce group pricing

How to setup a woocommerce group pricing ?

Grace Ouendo
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Conditional Discounts for WooCommerce has the ability to give discount based on user’s group. In other words it is called woocommerce group pricing. But to setup this kind of discount, you need to first install the wordpress groups plugin downloadable here : Let’s see how to setup a woocommerce group pricing discount by following this […]